And we're still waiting...

I've heard that the type of labor you have can determine the personality of your baby.

Well, my baby is going to be bi-polar, I've decided.

After Monday's experience, the labor pretty much quit altogether. I was still quite hopeful, because every time I went out and walked, the contractions would be 3 minutes apart, on the dot, and varying in intensity, but then, like clockwork, I'd come home, sit down, shower, or nap, and they'd slow down and/or stop.

Last night, we were feeling rather desperate, mostly because my mom has been staying with us, and I was having guilt keeping her from the rest of the family up in Snowflake (but then again, she was nervous that she would drive all the way up to Snowflake and then not make it here in time), so we decided to do something drastic: I took castor oil.

UGH. Those of you who have taken it, know exactly how terrible it is (think of drinking rancid melted shortning), and those of you who don't, be grateful.

Last night was intense--same thing...had tons of contractions, extremely strong, for about 3 hours, and then by that time, I was so tired, I laid down to see if I could perhaps at least sleep in between contractions...and I fell asleep. When I woke up 2 hours later, they had slowed down. AGAIN. Sigh.

So my mom decided to head up to Snowflake, and Steve's home with me, and we've decided that it's okay if Jr. decides not to come for a few more days--we'll just enjoy the vacation time until he gets here.

What an interesting birth story, right? Some day I'm sure we'll all look back and laugh. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Heather said…
Oh Jewel, you're such a trooper. Hang in there!
russandkatie said…
We have all been wondering, thanks for keep us updated!!!
the princess said…
it will happen - i promise!! ;)
Else said…
So I was reading in my Bradley book about different types of labor and they have one exactly for your situation. They call it The Puzzler. I'll have to call and read it to you because it is exactly what's happening to you. Hang in there, he will come when he's ready.
Poor Jewel! Hope he decides to come some day soon!
Steph and Keith said…
I've been there Jewel, only I went and got induced after the contractions went away. Way to stick it out! The most exciting births for me were when I went into labor naturally! I wish I did it that way with all 5!
Diana said…
The longest day of my pregnancy with Ansley was my DUE date! I just told myself that it was probably the wrong date and she just needed to bake a little bit longer. He WILL come! Get your rest before the big delivery! You will do great!
Claire said…
I can't believe you tried castor oil!!! That is probably the only thing I didn't try. Right before I went into labour I went and got a pedicure... if you want to give that a try, call me! I'll go with you! :D
Kelly said…
So when I was pregnant with the baby I now have (read: IT WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU!) I didn't go into labor naturally by my due date so they induced me. When the contractions started I thought, "Oh, I've been having those. Who knew that's what it was!" I totally didn't even realize I'd been having contractions. I don't know why I'm telling you this other than I think it's funny now. So really, I bet this WILL all be funny to you some day. EXCEPT the castor oil. NASTY!
Amy said…
I've been thinking about you all week...I'm glad to "hear" the update.

Good luck...hopefully he'll be ready soon (for your sake)!
Cristin said…
I heard that castor oil will only work if the baby is ready to come. I can't believe you drank it. Enjoy the little vacation!
John and Lisa said…
All I can get as much rest and sleep as you can!! Thinking about you every day, Jewel. You have now joined the "Late" club, and have bragging rights to how late your baby was. Not a great club to belong to...but...just trying stick some humor in there for ya! Sure love ya.