Spiritual Feasts

This last week was so full of spiritual feasts, I can hardly believe it--First off, Steve and I got to go with a dear friend to a stake missionary meeting with Elders L. Tom Perry and Neal A. Anderson. It was just wonderful to hear their amazing testimonies and feel the spirit so strongly. I honestly felt uplifted and spiritually fed afterwards.

Then, later that night, we were able to help our friend, who's going through a bit of a rough time, and the Spirit was so strong--I love the feeling of being able to say what comes into your mind and know that it's not you that's saying it, but your Heavenly Father, speaking through you in order to help His other children. It's one of the most humbling experiences in the world.

On Saturday, we had yet another feast when Steve's cousin, Emily, got baptized. What a sweet spirit there was there--I just love attending baptisms, it doesn't matter whose it is. She did so great, and she looked so happy afterwards, just glowing with excitement.

I love being able to feel Heavenly Father's love for me--He truly wants us to feel His love for us on a daily basis, if we're willing to do what it takes to be worthy of it!! This last week was truly a reminder of that fact.


Heather said…
Move to Utah. Cool? Cool. I'll start looking for an apartment for you.

And if Steve gives you a hard time about it, tell him I'll give free babysitting at least once a week.
Jennifer said…
You are amazing Jewel. I love ya!
Pam said…
Jewel, that is really cool. I really look up to you, and now I want to go on a mission really bad, just from the way you are so willing to listen to the spirit and be incredibly humble. Love ya