Brace Face

We're doing it: Steve is going to get braces!!

I'm actually really excited for him...I remember how having braces changed my life (really, it sounds cliche, but it made a HUGE difference in how I felt about myself), and I know he's been wanting to get them for quite a while, but financially, it just never worked out. We've been saving up, however, and we just got referred to a great orthodontist, and went in today for the first consultation. He won't actually get the braces on for another month or so (he has to get some teeth pulled first), but we're getting the ball rolling!! Yippee!!

So, as soon as we get some pics, I'll let you all see his new "sparkly" smile. Wish him luck!


Pam said…
How cool!!! Yay Steve!! I didn't know that you guys were savingup for Steve's braces, I'm so happy for you Steve!
Shauni said…
Jordan got braces after we were married, too. His teeth used to be really crooked, and he was afraid to smile with his mouth open. He only had braces for six months, and now his teeth look pretty good! I never noticed Steve's teeth as being excessively crooked, but that's cool he's getting them straightened!
Shauni said…
Oh, and of course I don't mind you looking at my blog. That's what it's for!
Pam said…
By the way, beautiful picture up there of the braces, Jewel, beauthiful...:D
Diana said…
I am so jealous!!! I really want to get braces too! Good Luck with the teeth pulling! Yikes!
John and Lisa said…
Congratulations Steve!! You and John have something in common. He'd always wanted them too...finally got them when Jeri was a baby. (He was in his early 30's) He doesn't regret for one second doing it!
Sarah M Eden said…
Jonathan is going in to the orthodontist for his first consoltation soon, too. I'll tell him all the cool guys are getting braces. That will help.