Nostalgia from Taiwan

I was wondering what I would post today, and I saw these fun pictures that are still on my camera from my mission, and I thought...Aw. I miss Taiwan. Since they're entertaining (at least, to me), I thought I'd share.
In case you can't see it, the sign says "Very beutful girl." I LOVED all the random, misspelled English signs.
People will literally carry ANYTHING on their scooters/motorcycles. This is a relatively common sight in Taiwan, as is an entire family of 5 crammed onto one scooter. I have a picture of that somewhere in one of my piles of mission photos, but since it's not readily available, you'll just have to picture it in your imagination, instead.
So that's my randomness for today. Hope you enjoy!


Katrina Rasband said…
so random! what is thay guy carrying on his scooter?!
Jennifer said…
THAT scooter picture is HILARIOUS!...and I am wondering what was sold at the "Very Buteful Girl" store???
Jewel said…
Actually, I'm not sure what exactly he's carrying--I think it's brush to make into brooms to sell. And the "very beutful girl" store actually sells betelnuts (NASTY--think of bright red chewing tobacco), but they are advertising that they have a "very beutful girl" selling it, so guys will want to go there. Interesting, eh?
My husband always tells me about the signs he saw there, but his favorite was "Reach for the skies, and neither does civilization"...whatever that means! Someday we'll go there together and I can experience it myself ;)
How fun! I bet you have tons of fun pictures from your mission! They are fun to see! I bet it was so cool to be in such a different country!
Pam said…
giggle giggle(snort). Thats funny. I didn't even know that kind of stuff happened in Taiwan!!! That is really funny, though.