
I love looking at peoples' hands. It may sound silly, but I think hands are just so beautiful, and they seem to have so much significance--you can tell a lot about a person by their hands, I think, and the symbolism of what people do with their hands is so meaningful to me. So, this of course was one of my favorite wedding pictures. Don't our hands look pretty?

Actually, the story behind this picture is pretty funny-first off, even though I love hands in general, I've never really liked mine. I think they're actually kind of masculine. My nails always have to be short in order to play the piano, and they've always got some scratch or burn or something on them-not because I work incredibly hard with them, but because I'm a klutz and can't do anything without hurting myself. In fact, my amazing husband actually photoshopped this picture and removed the huge scratch I had across the top of my index finger. Technology is amazing.

And my manicure, you may ask? Isn't it nice? Little do you know, this was the first professional manicure I've ever had--I was so excited to get it, and then the day before my wedding, what did I do but go and CHIP the paint job! AUGH!! I was so stressed--I know it sounds dumb, but I had wanted so badly to actually feel proud of my hands for one day, and then to chip my nail polish was so frustrating, I cried when it happened (no, I'm not usually that uptight). Luckily, I have an amazingly talented sister who was able to touch up the paint job (with white-out, of all things!), and I still felt beautiful down to my fingertips in every way on my big day.

However, compared to my hands, I know another pair of hands that are infinitely more beautiful. In fact, they are beautiful because of the service they gave, the example they provided, and the injuries they sustained. I always love to see pictures and hear songs about my Savior's hands, and the story in 3 Nephi chapter 11, where He allowed the Nephites to come and feel His hands and feet is one of my favorites of all time.

Because the real reason behind the season is Christ, I hope we all take a moment to ponder on what those hands have done for us this Christmas. I love Him, and I hope one day that I will be able to feel the nail prints in those hands and express my love for Him face to face. Until then, I have to be content with bearing witness of Him and His divine mission. I know that He came to earth as a tiny babe in order to teach us with his perfect life. I know that He atoned for our sins and sorrows in Gethsemane and was crucified on a cross at Calvary. I know that He was resurrected after three days, and that He now lives, and I thank my Heavenly Father that He loved me enough to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to help me prepare to return to him.
Merry Christmas, everyone.


John and Lisa said…
Beautiful post, and well said, Jewel. Thanks.
Diana said…

Merry Christmas!
Jennifer said…
I love you Jewel. Thank you for sharing this message.

...and I am truly sorry for my comment on your last post...just another sign that I am not yet perfect!...hopefully you can figure out how to delete that!
Heather said…
Beautifully written, Jewel-y. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
Katrina Rasband said…
that was so beautiful! thank you for sharing!
merry merry CHRISTmas!
Kelly said…
Jewel, I sure enjoyed this post. I love you, lady!!