'Cause I'm a Blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah

So yesterday, I was in a hurry (because I was late--go figure) on my way to go have a potluck lunch with my aunts and Grandma Flake, and just as I pulled onto the 17, I discovered that we were running rather low on fuel. Right then, I noticed, just off the freeway, a QT advertising gas at a lower price than any I'd seen earlier, so I decided that I'd pull over and get gas, just to be safe.

I stopped at the pump, and thought, "well, I don't need my keys, since I'll be standing right here next to the car, so I won't lock it..."

The next moment, when I went to open the door, I realized that somehow, I had inadvertantly locked the door. STUPID!! So, I stood for a moment, gazing longingly at my keys, cell phone, and purse that were all sitting right there on the passenger seat, mocking my absent-mindedness...and decided that since that was a little bit less-effective, I would go in and see if maybe the QT workers would take pity on a 7-month-pregnant idiot.

They were kind and understanding (enough), and let me use their phone for no charge...but since I don't memorize phone numbers any more (they're all in my cell phone, right?), the only number I knew anymore (at least, for someone who didn't live 4 hours' drive away) was Steve's cell. So I dialed it, and he didn't pick up. (He never picks up his cell phone at work, and I knew this in advance). So I left a message, and just decided to irritate the heck out of him until he finally picked up the phone. 6 calls later, he picked up...and I was so relieved I nearly started crying then and there. To be perfectly honest, up to the point of where I had to explain it to my husband and get him all stressed out, I was actually quite good at laughing at the situation--I could definitely see the humor in it as it applied to me, but as soon as I had to impose on someone else, that's when the guilt and frustration kicked in.

However, I quickly explained the situation to him, and we both realized that he didn't even have his keys with him (since I had the car, he didn't take his car or house keys with him to work), so he couldn't even get into the apartment to get the car keys, considering the unlikely event that he could even find someone willing to take him all the way back to the apartment and then to come pick me up at some random gas station by the freeway.

So, enter the hero of the day. Steve decided to call his mom, and Mom Busch just happened to have an extra copy of our car key (thank goodness for my foresighted husband!), and she was willing to drive all the way across town to come bring it to me!! Am I lucky or what?

Oh, and I did end up making it to the potluck lunch, (although everyone had eaten by the time I got there, there was still plenty of food left) and had a ball sitting and talking for WAAAY too long to my aunts and Grandma, as well as playing with Kayla's baby.

So, moral of the story:

Make sure to stay on good terms with your mother-in-law. You never know when you're going to need her to bail you out of a tough spot!! :)

And, if you're ever going to lock yourself out of your car, December in Glendale, AZ, is probably the best time to do it. The weather was beautiful!!


Heather said…
This is why we are such good friends. We can relate all too well to each other. :)
Our Ohana said…
So, I did this once, but I wasn't pregnant - I had already had my son, and he was in the car and the car was running. Yup, I locked my son in the car. Thankfully the car was running or I would have busted the window. I couldn't get a hold of Kameron (go figure) so the owner of Bashas (who thankfully is in our ward) called a police officer and a locksmith and after what seemed like the longest 10 minutes of my life they opened my car. I cried the whole way home because I felt like a horrible mother. Anyways - that's my story. I can totally relate.
John and Lisa said…
My story is similar to your friend the Haban Family. I was picking kids up from swim lessons, and it was in the middle of the summer...and I left the engine running, along with A.J. locked in his car seat (he was about 15 months old) the air conditioning on (thank goodness!) and as soon as I closed the door, I realized that I'd locked him in! The pool was right there in full view, and I had different friends all around me in the parking lot, picking up their kids, so I figured leaving him in the nice cool car instead of taking him out in the scorching heat to get Jonna and Hank was o.k. Well...it wasn't! Thank goodness A.J. wasn't crying....he just sat there and smiled at me through the window! I found a phone I could use (no cell phones in our life yet!) and reassured the police it was a non emergency...my son was locked in the car, but the air conditioning was on, and I needed help. I stood right by my car, waiting for help, when fire engines come, sirens on, pulling into the pool parking lot! No way could that be for me! It was. All the people at the pool lined the fence watching, to see what the emergency was. I learned something that day. If you lock your child in a car, especially in the middle of an Arizona summer...regardless if you have the air conditioning on...IT IS AN EMERGENCY!! They popped the lock, and A.J. sat there and grinned the whole time. I felt so stupid! And I'm not blonde!!!!! After that...I just took him out of the car to pick up the kids. Too risky...in many ways! It's a wonder my kids have survived my mistakes!
Olivia* said…
that is awesome!!! That's all I have to say.