Awkward Questions

Yesterday, in church, Steve and I ended up watching the two children of some very good friends of ours--the mom was home, sick, and with the dad being in the bishopric, he had to sit on the stand, and since the kids like us, we volunteered to sit with them--an eight-year-old boy named Jonathan and a four-year-old girl, Katherine. We figured it would be good practice, you know?

In advance, I have to admit that these children were much better behaved than I ever expect my own kids to be--we gave them paper and pens at the beginning of the meeting, and they were quiet throughout the meeting, so it was probably the easiest babysitting job I've ever had.

However, halfway through the sacrament meeting, I did encounter an unforseen issue....Katherine was sitting quietly next to me when she noticed that I was resting my hands on my tummy, a habit I've picked up since noticing that my stomach has become somewhat of a shelf. She poked at my tummy and asked, "What's in there?"

I smiled and whispered back, "I have a baby in my tummy!"

She looked a little bit surprised. "Really?"

I nodded, and she thought for a bit. "How did it get in there?"

Oh. That question. Ummmm..... "Heavenly Father put him in there." I supposed her parents wouldn't really appreciate me going into details, especially in the middle of sacrament meeting.

"Okay." It seemed to appease her, and, relieved, I turned my attention back to the speaker.

A couple of minutes later, she turned towards me, confused. "How is the baby gonna get out?"

Umm....."Through a special hole." I don't want to lie to her or tell her something that would confuse her even more, but at the same time, is it really appropriate to teach someone else's kids that kind of thing, especially in church?

"Oh. Do you poop it out?" She looked concerned.

"No. It's a different hole." I'm sure by this point I was beet red.

"Okay..." She sat still for a moment, pondering that point, and thankfully, the conversation veered into other topics.

Actually, my mom and dad always had us watch a certain movie: The Miracle of Life, which explains not only how the baby gets there but how it gets out. I still didn't really ever figure it out until my mom sat me down when I was about 12 one day and explained it all to me (true story--one of the more awkward moments of my childhood). We've already made a similar purchase for our children in advance: this movie. I highly recommend it; it's actually really fascinating, and I think it might be Steve's favorite movie right now. He watches it all the time.

So I suppose this is good practice for me. I'm sure your kids don't always ask the big questions at the most convenient times, do they?


Heather said…
HAHAHAHAHA! The highlights for me:

- a "special hole"
- "do you poop it out."


I wonder how I can get my kids to do something like that to other people...
Katrina Rasband said…
lol! that's great! next time jay and i need someone to sit with our girls, you two will be the first ones we ask... i wonder what their conversation would be???
Cristin said…
I can't believe you said, "A special hole." with a straight face. A SPECIAL HOLE?!?!? LOL
Emanuelsons said…
It's 6:30 am and I am laughing my head off! Great Job!
Jewel said…
Cristin, what the heck was I SUPPOSED to say?! I wasn't going to tell her it came out my belly button or something dumb like that-but I didn't know if her mom would appreciate a full-blown anatomy lesson, either...besides, it IS a special hole, right? :)
Jennifer said…
That is classic Jewel! Too funny!

Kaitlyn asked me the same question over and over when I was pregnant with Addie and I finally broke down and told her about the sperm and egg(leaving out the part about exactly how they get together)...and telling a kid that you poop a baby out is about as close as you can get to the truth (unless you have c-sections) that worked for her! But when I was pregnant with Weston, she was asking the same questions again. Aparently a three year old doesn't have very good long term memory.

I'll have to remember that National Geographic movie.
Jenn said…
That is HILARIOUS! When my nephew first asked me that question, when I was pregnant with Lily and he was about that age, I couldn't think of anything that seemed ok to say that would describe the birthing process so I just told him that the doctor would help me take it out. I just avoided the whole "hole issue" entirely. The answer seemed to satisfy him and I am hoping that at least for a while it will work for our other kids. But seriously that is SOOOO funny. If only we had known just a few rows behind you the akwardness you were enduring, we would have been ROLLING with laughter! Classic.
Debi Lassen said…
so, I spent some time finally this morning reading some blogs I have been missing out on...thanks for writing and posting pictures...I love them. I love you! You are looking Soooo cute with you little belly!
love aunt Debi
Sarah M Eden said…
Whose kids were those? Man!