Thankfulness Catch-up...

So, due to technical difficulties (our Internet hasn't been working during the day for some reason...which is usually the only time I feel the inclination to get on the Internet and blog), I'm WAAAY behind on my gratitude list for November. Believe it or not, I've actually had several different ideas for things to write about and post on here, complete with cute pictures and all, but since I'm so behind, you guys get a boring list. Aren't you lucky?
  • I am incredibly grateful for the fact that we are going to have a baby joining our family soon. We haven't *officially* met Cletus the Fetus yet, but I already am loving this incredibly hyper little boy of mine, and excited for the opportunity I have to meet him in just 4 short months!!
  • Along with that, gratitude for my health. It's one of those things that I mentioned before that you don't appreciate until it's gone. I'm so grateful that I am now not only feeling better, but that my body is healthy and able to grow a person. Kinda cool, eh?
  • Gratitude for my family members--ALL of them. Moms and Dads Flake AND Busch, along with all of my siblings and siblings-in-law. I feel so blessed to have such a close relationship with them, and for the love and support they are so willing to give.
  • The opportunity I have to be a member of Heavenly Father's true church, and my testimony of the principles that are taught through the gospel of Jesus Christ. At this time when there is so much turmoil and so many conflicting opinions being bandied about throughout the media, it's nice to have an anchor to hold on to, and the testimony I have is not something that can ever be swayed by anyone or anything else. Knowledge like that is something to definitely be grateful for.
  • A sense of humor. Sometimes there's nothing better than a good laugh!
  • Good friends. It has been amazing to me to see how quickly I have become quite close with so many people in the ward and stake here in Glendale!

My list could definitely go on and on, but I suppose that's enough for this late-night heartburn session (why else do you think I'd be blogging at 1:10 in the morning? Honestly). It's nice to be reminded once in a while of what there is out there to be grateful for, huh?


Olivia* said…
Jewel, you are too wonderful. I can think of no one else that would wake up at 1 in the morning, with heartburn, who would then sit at the computer and blog about what they are grateful for! You are such a great example and I am glad I am getting to know you better. Hopefully your awesomeness will rub off on me! :)
Debi Lassen said…
Love you, Jewel! Glad you are feeling better and able to enjoy your pregnancy a little more now.
It's all worth it! I'm up here at Trine's and enjoying the sweet feeling here in their home with this new little gift from heaven.
Love you,
Aunt Debi