Nesting...Just the Beginnings....

So, I think...I can't be positive....but I think I'm nesting. What makes me feel this way, you may ask? Well, typically, I'm not exactly a neat freak. No, I'll admit it--I'm not by any means a slob, but neither am I the type who will scrub down her house with a toothbrush. However, the past couple of days, I have been severely tempted to get the toothbrush out. Here's what I accomplished just yesterday and today (mind you, this is in between piano lessons, hour-long conversations on the phone with my mom and sister, and etcera):

  • Organized and de-junked our bedroom dresser

  • Organized the baby's crib (which, I'm a little embarrassed to admit, we've actually been using as an extra spot to dump all of the stuff we don't have room for anywhere else....but now it's clean and empty and ready for a baby to sleep in it!)

  • Scrubbed down the bathroom (not with a toothbrush, but just about)

  • Scrubbed down the kitchen--same way (although I haven't cleaned out the fridge yet...that's on my to-do list for tomorrow)

  • Organized our storage closet to make room for the Christmas tree that my amazing husband bought me

  • Organized the Halloween costumes we hadn't yet put away and got those out into the storage closet

  • Swept down the "porch"

  • Vacuumed

  • Cleaned all of the hair out of the vacuum

  • Cleaned all of the other junk off of the vacuum when I saw how dusty it was

  • Cleaned out from under our bed...and yes, I organized that, too

  • Dusted everything

  • Laundry--washing, folding, and hanging it up in an organized fashion

  • Organized a bit in the closet--but that could still use a little more organizing--maybe on my list for Thursday?

  • Cleaned and organized in our bedroom

So, I don't know if this is nesting or not, and I'm definitely not trying to sound like I'm bragging by putting this list up here, because, let's face it. Our apartment's not exactly huge. On the other hand, however, it really feels good to be getting our place a little more, yes, organized and clean. And don't be fooled--like I said before, I'm not a neat freak. Usually. Is this early for the whole nesting thing to be starting?


Cristin said…
I don't know if that's early, but either way, GO WITH IT, your house will probably never be that clean or organized again!
Heather said…
Bravo! I commend how productive you've been! How do you suppose I can get some of this nesting stuff without getting pregnant?
Sarah M Eden said…
If you're like I was, you just finally feel better after months of morning sickness, etc. I went wacko on the cleaning and stuff at about six months, too (with my first, anyway), because I finally didn't feel horrible. Maybe it's some of that.
John and Lisa said…
Can you come to my house when you're done??? My nesting instincts are gone, it seems!!! :-)
Olivia* said…
Totally normal! I did the same thing! I even made the "Brayden's room", changing table and EVERYTHING perfect even though I knew we would be moving out a week before he got there. He never even slept in "his" room, but it was nice and clean and organized. I even spent a week scrubbing a disgusting bathtub that was "uncleanable" (*shudder* darn Howards trailer park) I wish I had that motivation now! then my house would be spotless, well at least until Brayden woke up from his nap. ;)
russandkatie said…
definitely the signs of nesting and it probably won't go away until that baby comes out so enjoy it!!!