Not Fair

Ugh. I woke up this morning with a coldsore. And not just your average, run-of-the-mill coldsore, either, but one that has left the entire bottom lip swollen. I look like Angelina Jolie (you know, if Angelina Jolie was ever seen unshowered with greasy hair, no makeup, bad skin and wearing nasty, unflattering pajamas that haven't been washed for two weeks).

NOT FAIR!!! So apparently the nausea, moodiness, weight loss, leg cramps, headaches, insomnia, and general crankiness of pregnancy aren't enough, but I have to get COLD SORES on top of it?! Grr. In case you couldn't tell, I was NOT a happy camper today.

Usually, I can tell what has brought them on, you know--being out in the sun, added stress, if I'm exposed to a cold sometimes I'll get the sore instead of the entire cold, which, I'll admit, I'll take. A couple of weeks with an itchy, sore, scabbed, oozing lip are nothing to a couple of weeks of general achiness, nausea, headaches (wait...what exactly am I describing here?), but in this case, I've been good! I can't recall the last time I've been out in the sunlight for longer than the walk from my car to the nearest door of wherever it is I'm headed (usually back to my own apartment, let's be honest). In several of the books I've been reading up on, it suggests that you avoid lots of sunlight and being out in temperatures of over 90 degrees. I tend to agree with said advice--I don't like to be in the sunlight unprotected even when I'm not pregnant (paranoid about skin cancer), and the only time I spend outside in weather of over 90 degrees is when I'm in the pool.

And as far as stress goes, my schedule as of late has been anything but--the most stressful thing I usually have to decide is whether I'm actually going to be productive and get up and wash the 5 dishes that are in the sink, or whether I'll just leave them for Steve when he gets home from work (and, in my defense, I have actually done some semblance of cleaning nearly every day for a week! That's good!).

So, now that I've ranted and raved about the unfairness of my cold sore, I guess I should put things into perspective. What DO I appreciate about my life?

Well, my amazing husband who understands that I can't kiss him and willingly gives me hugs and snuggles with me instead, for one.

The amazing fact that there is a little life inside of me, getting bigger and healthier and stronger every day.

The fact that because of my amazing husband, rather than getting up and having to work every day, I can stay at home and sleep it off.

Taco Bell bean burritos. Enough said.

So, even though life is definitely NOT fair, I guess there are redeeming qualities about it, after all. I suppose I'll survive.


Heather said…
Oh, the joys of the cold sore. I read that "they" are currently working on a cure for the virus. Woohoo! I can totally relate to your woes, though. My last cold sore came when the day before Josh kissed me for the first time. (Yes, BEFORE!) He said that he already gets cold sores anyway so he still kissed me. Our relationship really was fated. ;)
Celeste Dana said…
I got one of those cold sores where my upper lip was so swollen that my face looked completely deformed. Whenever I was in public I literally walked around with my hand over my lip. I talked to the pharmacist about the swelling and he told me that a tea bag would take it down. I tried it and it worked. You have to seep the tea bag in hot water for a couple of minutes and then put it on the sore. If you need some I have a whole box of tea bags - fortunately I haven't had a cold sore come back.

Best of Luck!!
Aunt Celeste
Jennifer said…
So sorry about your nasty cold sore. If it makes you feel better...I have the hugest under the skin zit that wont go away! I feel like I am growing another person on my chin! I have been breaking out like a teenager lately. It's driving me nuts!

"Life's not fair"...we both have livng proof of that!