A Pair of Happy Campers

We did it!! For the 4th of July weekend, through a little ingenuity of Steve's, he got 5 days off in a row, while not having to use any vacation time. Isn't my husband so smart? :)

So we headed up to Prescott, originally planning on camping at a place that Steve knew about called Lynx Lake, but because that campground filled up on the Tuesday before we got up there (I guess camping is a pretty popular idea around the 4th. who knew?), we ended up at another really pretty place called White Spar Campgrounds.

Now, even though it rained for a few hours the first day, and we forgot to take anything soft to put under our sleeping bags, so this old lady got pretty stiff and sore from sleeping on the hard ground (I know, I'm a wimp. I'll readily admit it), we had a blast!!

It was wonderful to be in not 5,000-degree weather (slight exaggeration there, I guess), to get to take nice hikes through the forest, and to enjoy being with my husband, without anything to have to do!! I am definitely a fan of camping!!

Friday night was fun, because then Shiloh and Danica joined us, and we enjoyed the next day hiking all around Lynx Lake, playing in the creek (I think I was privy to what it might have been like to be on a Cub scout camp-out with Shiloh and Steve together--lots of throwing huge boulders into the water to make the biggest splashes possible...), enjoying the GORGEOUS scenery, a nice little picnic, and once again, getting rained on and ducking under the foliage for some cover...I truly enjoyed it, and although I won't lie--getting back into our apartment, taking a shower, and the marvelous luxury of sleeping on a mattress was WONDERFUL, and the ensuing laundry that was piled up, making our house smell like smoke for a week (I know--judge me) wasn't quite as, I still was grateful that we got this little opportunity to escape for a couple of days, and to spend it with my brother and his new wife was equally enjoyable.

I am glad to be home, though. There's just something to be said for running water and toilets.


Jennifer said…
Dude! Where's the camping pictures!???
That is so fun that you guys went camping!!!! Sounds like a blast! (okay, honestly...my idea of camping is motel 6)...but that's fun that you hung out with Shilo and Danica too! :)
Jewel said…
true story...I'm not nearly as good as you are at taking pictures of stuff...we only took, like, 3 pictures while we were actually camping. I know, lame. Story of my life.