These pictures are from our trip to Disneyland...after which Steve and I got engaged!!!


Kents said…
Yeay for you guys. Say "hi" to everyone for us at Shiloh's wedding this weekend. We'll be thinking of all of you. I am excited to keep in touch this way. Hope you're doing well. XOXO Kirst
Mindy said…
Hooray! I am glad you started a blog. They are so much fun. That picture of your family all lined up showing off your shirts and looking over your shoulders is so cool.

Heather said…
Uh, I would be a MIDGET in your family. Seriously. In that picture of ya'll lined up by height, you are at the end! What the? When is Jewel Flake ever shorter than that many people in a not-so-big group? I don't really consider myself short, but I'd have been down with the 6 year olds. Wow.
Jennifer said…
Those family pics are great!
I am so glad you have joined the blogging community!
You know I love ya! ;)