Randomness about me...

I'm a marked woman-I've been tagged.

So now I have to come up with 8 random facts about myself that are somehow supposed to be interesting and / or fascinating to those of you magnificent readers who enjoy my blog.

So here I go...

1. I don't really like ice water--I actually prefer my water cool as opposed to cold. I even like hot water...a taste acquired on my mission in Taiwan, where they often will give you a cup of boiling water to drink (even when it's 115 degrees and 95% humidity outside).

2. Many of you already know this--but I have a scar on the bottom of my right foot from when I was 5 years old and stepped on a toothpick that entered my foot...

and stayed there...

for two months. Apparently, it's hard to find toothpicks once they're under your skin, because they're wood and won't show up on X-Rays or MRI's. I ended up having to have surgery, and they found the toothpick five inches away from where it started--it had traveled up my bloodstream--but they found it, and got it out!! I still have the toothpick, somewhere.

3. I still think and sometimes dream in Chinese, and I still have problems thinking of certain words in English.

4. There are very few foods that I absolutely would not be willing to eat. In the course of my short life, I have eaten at least a small portion of these foods:

Mountain Goat (I actually thought it was dog--it tasted like dog's breath)
Chicken Feet
Pigs Feet
Duck Feet
Pig's Intestines
Live Millworms (bugs)
Octopus (a little one--ate the whole thing)
Pig's Face...(ears, snout, etc.)
Fish Eyes--(both of them)


the grand finale...

Pig's testicles.

Yes. I ate the male reproductive organs of an animal. I'm not proud of it.

Or maybe I am just a little bit. Who knows. :) All I know is that Steve makes sure I really floss and brush my teeth before he's willing to kiss me after eating any of the above...not that I really eat those foods often. Just every once in a while, you know, when I get a craving for random pig parts (No, Jennifer, I'm NOT pregnant). :)

5. I sweat when I'm nervous. REALLY badly. Usually in social situations. And then I get nervous about the fact that I'm sweaty, and that makes it worse. So I just buy shirts in certain colors and patterns that cover it...and I avoid other colors and patterns. Especially gray.

6. I apologize for everything, whether it's my fault or not. In fact, on my mission I got hit by a car while riding my bike, and the first thing I did was apologize....for what, I'm not exactly sure--being inconveniently in their way? (Even though it WAS my right-of-way).

7. I grew up not having a middle name. Now that I'm married, Flake has become my middle name. My dad didn't want to his girls have middle names, because he knew that once we got married, we would get another name, anyways. So now I'm Jewel Flake Busch.

8. Even though I served a mission in Asia, I don't really like rice, unless it has something on it. By itself, I would pretty much almost rather eat anything else. Except pig testicles.

Yay!!! 8 random facts about me for you to digest and forget at your leisure.

So now, I have to come up with 8 people to tag. Now, for those of you who have already been tagged, I'm sorry if I'm not the first one to tag you, but here goes: Jennifer (Brandon's Jennifer), Kirsten, Aunt Debi, Kelly, Trine, Peyton, Lisa, and Danica.

I'm expecting to hear back from you! : )


trine k said…
Jewel!! I miss you! I just saw you had a blog and I'm so happy to keep in touch with you better!! hooray! I've been dying to talk to you since you've been back, I KNOW it's been forever and i'd love to catch up! Is your e-mail address still the same? Let's talk soon!
Love, Trine
PS I have been tagged before, but I love your random facts, especially all the yummy food...mmmm :)
Jennifer said…
Are you sure you're not pregnant?? :}

Okay...I never knew you had a tooth pick in your foot...nor did I know that one could travel through your blood stream. You're lucky to be alive!

Do you know how hard it'll be for me to come up with 8 random facts about myself??? Thanks for the tag...NOT! :) (j/k! Love ya!)
Amy said…
Hey Jewel, I didn't know you have a blog!. I found out from Jennifer's blog.

I enjoyed your 8 random facts!
Sarah Pace said…
Hey Jewel I found your blog through Amy, Congradulations on getting married that is awesome! enjoy married life its great!
Jenn said…
great to read the random-ness! Glad that you are a bloggin now a days!