Back to Normalcy...ish

Well, we're home...


We've spent so much time in Snowflake lately, I had almost forgotten what our apartment looked like! But the time away from home was worth it to see my family, to enjoy the wonderful company of family members I haven't seen in a long time, to sit up and talk to my mom and sisters and aunts for ages and incredible experience, to say the least.

It was interesting, as well, because this was my first time going anywhere without Steve. I had left earlier on Thursday with Steve's parents (who were both so kind as to come up for everything), and he was planning on driving up after work on Thursday, but he ended up getting a bad case of the flu, so instead of driving up, he was home throwing up. So I was "single" again for a couple of days--and I realized that that is the first big event, really, since I've been home from my mission, that I haven't had Steve there with fact, this is the first of my family funerals that Steve hasn't attended since we started dating (and there have been quite a few!).

Am I clingy, or what?

So I survived it...actually enjoyed it (except for the Steve not being there part), and learned a lot about interdependence in marriage.

Something I never really understood before.

But the funeral was absolutely beautiful--definitely a celebration of my Grandpa's life--and it was wonderful to see everyone. I definitely gained a new respect for my Grandma Flake--she is such a gracious woman, and to see the composure she had throughout the entire experience was such an example to me of reaching outward in times of trial.

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful examples of love and righteousness in my life.


Jennifer said…
Glad you are and sound...hope Steve is done being barfy!